
Moving In and Moving Out Process - Residence Halls

2023-2024 Move In and Move Out Schedule

Date Description
Wednesday, Aug. 30 & Thursday, Aug. 31, 2023 New to BSU Students Move-In for Orientation program. (Students will be emailed to register for a day and time.)
Sunday, Sept. 3, 2023 – Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2023 Returning Student Move-In. (Students will be emailed to register for a day and time.)
Thursday, Dec. 21, 2023 All residence halls close at 5 p.m. for winter break.
Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024 Residence Halls Open for Spring Semester at 1 p.m.
Friday, March 1, 2024 All residence halls close at 5 p.m. for Spring Break
Sunday, March 10, 2024 All residence halls reopen at 1 p.m.
Wednesday, May 8, 2024 All residence halls close at 12 p.m. for the semester


Moving Into the Residence Halls


如果学生在校园遇到问题,第一个应该联系的人是宿舍助理或RA. 住宿助理是学生领袖,他们与住宿学生住在一起,经过挑选和培训,以帮助建立一个健康的住宿社区. 他们要么直接提供帮助,要么提供转介,以解决与ladbrokes立博中文版有关的问题或担忧, safety and security, physical or mental health, and other topics which are a part of living on-campus. 下一级的支持是地区协调员(AC)和驻地主任(RD). 空调管理员和研发人员是全职的专业人员,他们在大楼里工作和生活. 他们监督学生工作人员,并负责分配给他们的宿舍的全面管理. 在校园有困难的学生也可以来住宿生活和住房办公室, located in DiNardo Hall, Room 100. The telephone number is 508.531.1277.

What is provided in a room?

Each room is furnished with extra-long twin beds, dressers, desks with chairs, closets and bookshelves. Rooms designated as "additional occupancy" have one extra bed.

How do I arrange for telephone, TV, and internet services?

这三种服务都是ResNet(常驻网络)计划的一部分. A fee, separate from a resident student's housing fee, provides unlimited local dialing, call waiting, voice mail, reduced long-distance charges, cable television, premium sports, music and movie channels, Residence Life Cinema, high speed internet access and wireless internet access. 有关ResNet的信息将与您的作业信息一起提供. Specific questions can be directed to the ResNet Hotline at 508.531.7999 or email at resnet@uni-foodex.com. See Resident Services.


每个学生都需要与RLH工作人员一起填写一份房间状况报告(RCR), typically an RA in the building. RCR是每个学生在入学时都有机会查看的表格, it lists every piece of furniture and the physical room structures, 看看房间/套房/公寓里已经出现了什么状况/损坏. 然后在学生搬出后使用RCR来确定他们在住宿期间发生的损害. 学生在住宿期间对整个空间发生的损坏负责, damages are assessed after students move-out by an AC or RD.

What should I bring? and What can I not bring?

View our suggested packing list.

Permitted Items

The following items are allowed in the residence halls:

  • One microwave oven (under 1000 watts)
  • One blender
  • One coffee maker
  • One refrigerator (up to 1.4 total amps or no more than 3.2 cubic feet)



  • One toaster
  • One toaster oven
  • One George Foreman type grill
  • One rice cooker
Prohibited Items

The following items are prohibited in the residence halls:

  • All cooking and food preparation appliances (except as listed above)
  • Air conditioners
  • Candles
  • Incense burners
  • Grills
  • Space heaters
  • Dartboards
  • 宠物(除了鱼和美国残疾人立法允许的宠物)
  • Homemade loft or bunk beds
  • Cinder blocks and other bed lofting apparatus
  • Upholstered Furniture (i.e. furniture covered with fabric and/or padding/stuffing)
  • 悬浮滑板和电动个人辅助移动设备(EPAMDs)



本科交换生将在秋季和春季学期提供校内住宿, 但是必须填好我们的住房表格才能获得住房分配. 秋季学期的学生将在五月底收到我们的信息,详细说明如何提交他们的宿舍许可协议和室友问卷. 所有打算住在大学宿舍的交换生必须填写这些表格. 春季学期的学生将在11月底收到这些信息.

Please be advised that while students may submit preferences, there is a high demand for housing at BSU and options are limited. 少于24学分的新生被安置在新生区. 因为高年级学生在下一年的春季学期选择他们的住房分配, 我们的新设施为新生提供的空间很少. 计划住在校园里的学生应该灵活选择住房.

为了更好地体验美国文化,即将到来的交换生通常会被分配与美国学生一起住在传统的宿舍里. On campus, 大多数学生至少与一个室友住在一起(共用一个房间),并与许多学生共用浴室设施. 宿舍房间配有床(超长双床床垫), desks, bureaus, and wardrobes/closet(s). 每个学生宿舍都配备了一个数据连接. Students are responsible for providing bedding, towels, desk lamps, and any other items of their preference.

学生宿舍在上课期间和指定休息时间开放. 有一段时间,校园内没有可用的住房,学生将需要作出其他安排. 这包括秋季学期结束和新年之间的两周. 在寒假的剩余时间和春假期间,学校提供住宿,但需支付额外费用. Learn more at International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) and Admissions Information for International and Exchange Students.


Moving Out of the Residence Halls

How do I check-out of my room?

每个学生在搬离时都要负责退房/套房/公寓. 学生需要向居住生活和住房工作人员办理退房手续, this includes RAs, RDs and ACs. 助理助理每天晚上7点开始在助理助理办公室的每栋楼值班.m.–12 a.m. 如果学生搬离宿舍,并且需要在宿舍管理员值班时间之外退房,他们需要提前与宿舍管理员或宿舍管理员作出安排. Students also have the option to complete an Express Check Out Form 并把它交回迪纳多的居住生活和住房办公室.


每个学生都需要与RLH工作人员一起填写一份房间状况报告(RCR), typically an RA in the building. RCR是每个学生在入学时都有机会查看的表格, it lists every piece of furniture and the physical room structures, 看看房间/套房/公寓里已经出现了什么状况/损坏. 然后在学生搬出后使用RCR来确定他们在住宿期间发生的损害. 学生在住宿期间对整个空间发生的损坏负责, damages are assessed after students move-out by an AC or RD.