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Campus Photography Policy

I. Background

为了给学生提供最高水平的安全保障, employees, and guests, ladbrokes立博中文版有兴趣规范摄影, in, or of university property, vehicles, or employees. 虽然在大多数情况下,在校园拍摄照片或视频图像并没有特别的伤害, 经验表明,希望以特定地点为恐怖主义目的或其他犯罪目的的人很可能将摄影作为其攻击前监视和规划的一部分. Therefore, in view of the university’s general obligation to protect its students, employees, and guests, the university, through its Police Department, 是否制定了以下政策来规范校园摄影.

II. Guidelines

除本指引另有规定外,允许在校园公共区域内拍摄照片或录像,惟该等活动不得干扰大学的教学或其他正常功能. 未经学校特别授权,严禁在校园禁区内摄影、摄像, 除了允许学生在他们通常可以进入的所有区域拍照或录像, including residence halls; and university employees may take photos or videos on campus pursuant to their assigned work responsibilities. When special authorization is required, twenty four hour advance notice should be given whenever possible. Requests may be denied if presented on short notice.

学校保留关闭某些公共区域或校园活动的权利,比如艺术画廊, museum or archive collections, theater productions, concerts, or other special events – to photography or videography, or to flash photography.

Persons taking pictures or videos of university property, vehicles, 或员工必须根据ladbrokes立博中文版警官或其他大学官员的要求提供适当的身份证明. Any person observed taking pictures on, in, or of university property, vehicles, 或者拒绝提供适当身份证明的员工将被要求停止拍照, and will be subject to additional law enforcement action as appropriate. 未经授权在禁区内拍摄照片或视频的个人将受到调查,并可能被逮捕和没收摄影或视频设备.

任何人如欲在校园内任何地方拍摄照片或录像作任何商业用途(例如.g., movies, commercials, trade publications, etc.)必须首先获得大学机构传播办公室的许可. A fee may be assessed in these circumstances. 是否允许外部个人或公司出于商业目的进行拍摄或摄影,将取决于拟议的项目是否能促进大学的教育使命或加强其与社区的联系, 并且不会干扰校园或周边社区的活动.

新闻媒体成员享有与一般公众相同的摄影使用权. 强烈建议新闻媒体的成员事先与机构传播处联系,以便利和确保适当的ladbrokes立博中文版. 新闻媒体代表拍照、录像时,应当出示有效记者证. 未经许可,新闻媒体摄影师不得进入任何犯罪或事故现场, and an escort provided by, a Bridgewater State University police officer.

3. Definitions

Campus: Any land or building owned, 租赁, 使用, or controlled by Bridgewater State University, including the main university grounds and any unconnected satellite, 分支, or individual properties, wherever situated.

Public area: 校园内对公众开放的区域,没有张贴或限制张贴的标志或锁定装置. 标志、建筑设计和物理屏障,如围栏、护柱等., may also distinguish a public area from a restricted area.

Restricted area: Any area that is not open to or occupied by the public, or which is open to or occupied by the public only on a limited basis. Restricted areas include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Classrooms
  • Private offices
  • Delivery and service areas
  • Residence halls
  • Staff housing.

Proper identification Press credentials; or photo identification that includes, at a minimum, 名字, address, and date of birth.

IV. Law Enforcement

ladbrokes立博中文版的警察人员可以在公众或大学工作人员投诉摄影师或摄像师的拍照活动性质可疑时接近摄影师或摄像师, 或者根据自己的观察,认为该活动性质可疑或与本政策不符. 警方会告知当事人,出于安全考虑正在进行调查. 如果某人符合这些政策的要求,包括提供适当的身份证明, 这次遭遇的情况表明,拍照活动没有构成安全威胁,也没有以任何方式造成大学运作的中断, 进行调查的警务人员可允许该人在有关地点拍照.

MBTA Properties: ladbrokes立博中文版警察局被指定负责为马萨诸塞州海湾交通管理局(MBTA)的某些物业提供执法服务。. When acting on those properties, 大学警务人员将遵循MBTA现行的摄影政策和程序.

BSU Aviation Training Center – New Bedford: 为了防止干扰新贝德福德地区机场的大学航空培训中心的运作, and to preserve the health and safety of photographers and others, the taking or making of photographs, video recordings, drawings, 未经航空训练中心工作人员事先批准,禁止在航空训练中心禁区内进行其他视觉描绘. For the purposes of this provision, “restricted areas” include the aircraft ramp, hangars, or other areas where aircraft are parked, 存储, or maintained; and all classrooms, private offices, and other interior spaces within the Aviation Training Center. 本规定可由航空培训中心的工作人员或ladbrokes立博中文版警察局的官员执行.

Bridgewater State University Police Department