
Master’s Degree in Public Administration


ladbrokes立博中文版的公共管理硕士课程帮助你在公共和非营利部门培养领导和服务的核心能力. Consistent with BSU’s mission, 公共管理硕士学位课程利用其资源参与和推进经济发展, cultural, civic and political life of Massachusetts, other domestic communities as well as the world.

Along with the public administration, MPA degree, we also offer the public administration, civic and nonprofit leadership and administration concentration, MPA degree. 这个公共管理硕士课程将侧重于培养你的领导能力, 加强你的组织能力,建立对公民和非营利组织许多不同方面的理解.

Though both degrees can lead to a career in public health, 公共卫生管理硕士课程侧重于运营管理, population health, 流行病学和直接与社区合作,通过实际工作改善结果和预防疾病. An MPA degree takes a broader approach to organizational management, 通过制定和实施公共政策,为毕业生为公共服务做好准备.

Master’s Degree in Public Administration Highlights


Accredited by the NASPAA

桥水已经获得了公共政策学校网络的认证, Affairs and Administration (NASPAA), 一个全国性组织,致力于确保公共服务的教育和培训的卓越性,并促进公共服务的理想. BSU是该州仅有的四所获得该认证的学院之一,也是马萨诸塞州仅有的两所获得NASPAA认证的公立大学之一.
Dr. Rachel Navarre和学生Daniela Belice在BSU MPA晚宴上展示Daniela获得的奖项

One of the best values in Massachusetts for MPA degrees

马萨诸塞州只有其他四个公共管理硕士项目获得了NASPAA的认证, Bridgewater State University’s program is significantly more affordable, meaning a better value and return on your degree.

Personal career advising

Bridgewater faculty will work with you one-on-one on academic and career advising, 帮助你在完成公共管理硕士课程之前开始你的职业生涯.

MPA项目的学生被安排在布里奇沃特消防局等组织实习, Brockton Housing Authority, Brockton Mayor's Office, Greater Boston Community Health Network, Carver Town Administrator's Office, Fall River Police Department, Old Colony Planning Council, People Acting In Community Endeavors (PACE), Inc. and Plymouth County Commissioners Office.

Small class sizes for personalized attention

您将受益于我们的公共管理硕士课程的小班授课,允许您与教师进行一对一的交流,并与您的同学进行更多的合作, who bring diverse perspectives to the classroom.

Join a growing master’s degree in public administration alumni network

北京州立大学公共管理硕士项目的校友人数众多, active in mentoring current students, as well as connecting with one another.

Finish strong with a completion scholarship

Public administration graduate students who maintain a 3.3 GPA may be eligible for BSU’s Nunckatessett Graduate Scholarship, a tuition scholarship of $3,申请完成研究生学位所需的最后两门课程.

Program of Study for Master of Public Administration Students

与专注于医疗机构工作的公共卫生管理硕士项目相反, BSU的公共管理硕士课程教授基本的管理和分析技能,这些技能可以立即应用于当地的入门或中级职位, state and federal agencies, as well as in nonprofit organizations.

In our program, 你可以选择追求一个通才的轨道或公民和非营利组织的领导和管理集中. 在公共管理硕士课程中,你将学习的几门课程是:

  • Foundations of Public Administration
  • Data Analysis and Presentation for Public Administration
  • Organizational Planning and Assessment OR
  • Techniques of Policy Analysis
  • Public Policy for Public Administration


Admission Requirements and Program Details


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Program details from 2023-2024 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Graduate Program Coordinator: Dr. Melinda Tarsi

View Graduate Student Achievement Data.

Oluwakemi Taiwo, expected graduation year ’24

Careers With a Master’s Degree in Public Administration

作为北京州立大学公共管理专业的硕士毕业生, you’ll develop skills in human resources, community organization, public policy, grant administration and financial administration. 你会在公共和私营部门有很多不同的职业机会, including:

  • Urban and Regional Planner
  • Policy Analyst
  • Health Care Administrator
  • City Manager
  • Budget Analyst
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Community Services Manager

Upon earning their Master’s of Public Administration, the majority of BSU graduates work in city, county or local government (27%), state government (19%) and nonprofit administration (19%).

Graduate Funding Opportunities

研究生院为研究生在攻读学位的同时获得资助提供了各种机会. 任命是竞争性的,由本科和/或研究生的平均成绩决定, pertinent experience, educational preparation and interviews. 有关助学金,奖学金和会议资金奖励的信息,请ladbrokes立博中文版我们的 Graduate Funding Opportunities page.

公共管理硕士课程有资格获得无补贴的学生贷款,并鼓励申请人完成联邦学生援助免费申请. For more specific questions, please visit the Financial Aid Office website or contact them directly at finaid@uni-foodex.com.

BSU Graduate Studies Overview Brochure Cover

View this PDF for an overview of the College of Graduate Studies.

Counselor Education classroom 2020


4 students sitting at desks in in a graduate class


Grad students in a classroom
