


在我们快速发展的全球社会中, today’s youths find themselves maneuvering through a multitude of complicated personal and social development barriers. 经济障碍. 紧张的家庭关系. 过渡的压力. 现在比以往任何时候都重要, school counselors play a pivotal role in guiding students toward academic excellence in the face of these sometimes formidable hurdles.

的 School Counseling program at ladbrokes立博中文版 provides you with the solid leadership and skills required to excel as a school counselor in today’s often challenging academic environment. 这个高级学位课程提供培训, 实地工作和多任务处理经验是指导学生走向成功的必要条件. 

学校辅导(PreK-8、5-12) 提供硕士(地中海)和邮政局长执照课程.

    • Diverse faculty with extensive experience in a variety of school counseling settings
    • 发展 of critical thinking skills, as well as oral and written communication capabilities
    • 在地方、州和国家层面的专业发展机会
    • Opportunities to actively participate in state, local and national conferences and gatherings
    • 小班授课,提供更个性化的学习体验
    • 专业的领导技能和发展
    • 负担得起的学费,无论你住在州内还是州外

程序的椅子: Dr. 凯特·本德


  • 在线申请 外加50美元的申请费
  • 重新开始
  • 所有本科和研究生课程的正式成绩单
  • 本科累计GPA不低于2分.8
    • 毕业时平均成绩不低于3分.硕士学位者,需5分
  • GRE一般考试成绩(综合语言) & 定量)
    • 如果本科GPA是3.00或更高,那么综合GRE成绩为281-290.
    • 如果本科GPA是2.80-2.99分,那么GRE总分需要达到291分或更高.
    • 如果本科GPA是2.50-2.79分,那么GRE总分需要292+.
    • 如果候选人拥有硕士学位,平均绩点为3分.5分或以上,免除GRE要求.
    • 如果候选人拥有硕士学位,平均绩点为3分.0-3.49, GRE总分297分.
  • Qualifying scores on the Communication and Literacy Skills portions of the Massachusetts Tests of Educator Licensure (MTEL)
  • 马萨诸塞州教育个人身份证(MEPID)
  • Three letters of recommendation from professionals or educators outside of the BSU Department of Counselor Education
  • 个人陈述


符合上述标准的考生将被邀请参加入学面试. 的 招生 Day interview is an opportunity for faculty to assess the applicant's potential for employment as a professional counselor.



  • 在线申请 外加50美元的申请费
  • 重新开始
  • 所有本科和研究生课程的正式成绩单
  • 咨询或相关领域的硕士学位.e., 社会工作或临床心理学), 其中包括有正式指导的应用咨询实习
  • A 3.硕士课程累计GPA 5分
    • 如果硕士学位的平均绩点是3.0-3.考生必须提交GRE综合考试成绩(Verbal) & (数量)297
  • 具有成功咨询经验的证明
  • Three letters of recommendation from professionals or educators outside of the BSU Department of Counselor Education, at least one of which should be from a supervisor who has knowledge of the applicant’s counseling activities
  • 个人陈述
  • Qualifying scores on the Communication and Literacy Skills portions of the Massachusetts Tests of Educator Licensure (MTEL)

*已获得硕士学位的考生不需要参加GRE考试, but may be asked to do so by the Department of Counselor Education if their graduate GPA does not meet the minimum requirement.


符合上述标准的考生将被邀请参加入学面试. 的 招生 Day interview is an opportunity for faculty to assess the applicant's potential for employment as a professional counselor.





的 College of 研究生学习 provides various opportunities for graduate students to receive funding while working towards their degrees. Appointments are competitive and are determined by undergraduate and/or graduate grade point averages, 相关的经验, 教育准备和面试.  For information on assistantships, fellowships and conference funding awards, please visit our 研究生资助机会页面.

学校咨询的医学课程有资格获得 无补贴学生贷款 申请人被鼓励完成 免费申请联邦学生资助. 有关更具体的问题,请ladbrokes立博中文版 资助办事处网站 或直接与他们联系 finaid@uni-foodex.com.

CNGC 500 -研究与评价

CNGC 520 - Group Experience (non-credit; graded on a (P) Pass/(N) No Pass basis)

cnc528 -心理咨询理论与技术
CNGC 529 -多元文化咨询

CNGC 532 -心理评估
cnc538 -第一组:群体互动的理论与过程
CNGC 539 -职业咨询导论

CNSC 515 -学校辅导员的道德和法律问题
cnsc516 -学校辅导的基础



cnsc524 -应用学校咨询
cnsc526 -咨询和合作的学校辅导员

学生将与他们的指导老师会面,计划他们的实地工作经验. Students will need to complete 600 hours of fieldwork in a minimum of two semesters and a maximum of four semesters. Students may work 10‑30 hours per 15 week semester and will register for three credits for each 150 hours of fieldwork they will complete that semester. 例如, 10 hours per week/150 total hours = three credits; 20 hours per week/300 total hours = six credits; 30 hours per week/450 total hours = nine credits. Students must attend a clinical seminar each semester they are involved in field experience.

CNSC 570 - Advanced Applied Counseling - School Counselor: (PreK-8) (100 hours; 3 credits)
CNSC 571 - Practicum: School Counselor (PreK-8) (600 hours; 12 credits)

CNSC 580 - Advanced Applied Counseling - School Counselor: (5-12) (100 hours; 3 credits)
CNSC 581 - Practicum: School Counselor (5-12) (600 hours; 12 credits)

三(3)选修学分. 学生必须修习3学分的选修课,成绩达到500级或以上

的 culminating experience focuses on students’ ability to integrate counseling and development theory into direct practice. 通过高潮体验, students will demonstrate the counseling competencies that align with current CACREP standards (Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs), 以及与各自的学习项目相一致的标准. Students will be required to take the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam (CPCE) and earn the department set minimum score on the eight core content areas. Students who do not meet the minimum threshold for any of the eight content areas will be required to show mastery in those areas through completing a comprehensive assignment (in the same semester that the CPCE was taken) designed for that core area which will be evaluated by three different departments of counselor education faculty members.

最低要求总学分: 60 

教学大纲模板可根据要求提供. Please contact the Department of Counselor Education Administrative Assistant for more information.

***For the most up-to-date information regarding course descriptions, please visit our 大学目录.

的 Postmaster’s Licensure program is designed for individuals who seek initial licensure as a school counselor, 并拥有咨询或相关领域的应用硕士学位.g., social work, clinical psychology), which has included a formal, supervised internship experience.


CNGC 500 -研究与评价

CNGC 520 - Group Experience (non-credit; graded on a (P) Pass/(N) No Pass basis)

cnc528 -心理咨询理论与技术

CNGC 529 -多元文化咨询

CNGC 532 -心理评估

cnc538 -第一组:群体互动的理论与过程

CNGC 539 -职业咨询导论



CNSC 515 -学校辅导员的道德和法律问题

cnsc516 -学校辅导的基础

cnsc517 -基于证据的学校咨询实践

cnsc520 -学校辅导员一生的发展

CNSC 521 -学校咨询中的临床问题

cnsc524 -应用学校咨询

cnsc526 -咨询和合作的学校辅导员

学生将与他们的指导老师会面,计划他们的实地工作经验. Students will need to complete 600 hours of fieldwork in a minimum of two semesters and a maximum of four semesters. Students may work 10‑30 hours per 15 week semester and will register for three credits for each 150 hours of fieldwork they will complete that semester. 例如, 10 hours per week/150 total hours = three credits; 20 hours per week/300 total hours = six credits; 30 hours per week/450 total hours = nine credits. Students must attend a clinical seminar each semester they are involved in field experience.


CNSC 570 - Advanced Applied Counseling - School Counselor: (PreK-8) (100 hours; 3 credits)

CNSC 571 - Practicum: School Counselor (PreK-8) (600 hours; 12 credits)


CNSC 580 - Advanced Applied Counseling - School Counselor: (5-12) (100 hours; 3 credits)

CNSC 581 - Practicum: School Counselor (5-12) (600 hours; 12 credits)


教学大纲模板可根据要求提供. Please contact the Department of Counselor Education Administrative Assistant for more information.

***For the most up-to-date information regarding course descriptions, please visit our 大学目录.

的 principle mission of the Department of Counselor Education at ladbrokes立博中文版 is to prepare high quality master’s level counselors for various settings in Massachusetts and the nation. 更具体地说, we prepare; quality 学校辅导员 to serve students, 家庭, and communities in PreK-12 educational settings; Clinical Mental 健康 Counselors to serve individuals, 家庭, 和/或社区中的团体, 非营利性的, or private agencies; and Student Affairs Counselors to serve as academic advisors, 职业顾问, 宿舍顾问, 高等教育机构也是如此.  


  • Guide students in understanding their roles and responsibilities within the ethical and legal guidelines germane to counseling and student affairs professions. 
  • 培养咨询技能方面的专业知识. 
  • Instill a commitment to uphold best practices within counseling and student affairs professions.  
  • Cultivate diversity and social justice competence within counseling and student affairs professions.
View our graduate events page to RSVP to information sessions, workshops and seminars.
Bridgewater offers competitive tuition and fees for graduate students both in and out of state.