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ladbrokes立博中文版已决定自5月12日起自愿撤回认证, 2023. 任何学生, 目前在读本科健康科学或健康科学运动训练预科专业, who wants to pursue graduate school to become an athletic trainer should contact Dr. 罗伯特Colandreo


运动训练硕士 该计划由运动训练教育认证委员会(CAATE)认证,并为运动训练学生提供必要的学术和临床经验,以参加国家运动训练师协会(NATA)认证委员会(BOC)考试. 入门级课程是为可能在其他领域拥有本科学位的个人设计的, but would now like to become a BOC certified athletic trainer. 的 program includes courses in injury prevention; recognition; assessment and immediate care of athletic injuries; health care administration; and professional development and responsibility.

运动训练计划(ATP)提供符合或超过运动训练教育委员会(CAATE)规定的标准和指导方针的优质教育计划。. 这种哲学平衡了内容知识与规定的精神运动和认知技能. 除了, 我们希望培养有能力的运动教练,他们可以有效地为身体活跃的个人提供高质量的医疗保健, 这样做的时候, improve the quality of life for these individuals. 

In在这里nt in these outcomes is an understanding of how individuals develop and learn; a congruency between theory and practice, 社会多样性的价值, as well as professionalism and ethical behavior in the workplace and society.  为了取得这些成果, the ATP should provide learning experiences to athletic training students to:

  • Provide students an opportunity to obtain an appropriate degree in Athletic Training.
  • 遵守运动训练教育评审委员会(CAATE)所订定的标准.
  • 为学生提供成功通过认证委员会(BOC)国家考试所需的背景知识.
  • 为学生提供机会,发展所需的知识和技能的入门级职位,作为一个注册的运动教练.
  • Promote acceptable standards of ethical conduct and professionalism

研究生项目协调员: Dr. R财大Colandreo

ladbrokes立博中文版已决定自5月12日起自愿撤回认证, 2023. 任何学生, 目前在读本科健康科学或健康科学运动训练预科专业, who wants to pursue graduate school to become an athletic trainer should contact Dr. 罗伯特Colandreo



先决条件 课程可在 在这里.


ATTR 511 -研究方法 
PHED 511 - Research Methods in Physical Education
ATTR 528 - Introduction to Diagnostic Medical Imaging
ATTR 530 - Law and Policy in Athletic Medicine
ATTR 538 - Applied Functional Anatomy
ATTR 539 - Management of Head, Neck and Spinal Conditions
ATTR 540 - Management of Lower Extremity Conditions
ATTR 541 - Management of Upper Extremity Conditions
ATTR 542 -治疗性运动
ATTR 543 -药理学
ATTR 546 - General Medical Conditions
ATTR 550 -治疗方式
ATTR 551 - Orthopedic Interventions
ATTR 560 - Psychosocial Intervention and Patient Care
ATTR 561 - Level I Clinical Experience in Athletic Training
ATTR 562 - Level II Clinical Experience in Athletic Training
ATTR 563 - Level III Clinical Experience in Athletic Training
ATTR 564 - Level IV Clinical Experience in Athletic Training
ATTR 565 - Level V Clinical Experience in Athletic Training
ATTR 590 - Administration in Athletic Training

总最低学分: 57



  • ATTR 501 - Athletic Training Project (under the guidance of an advisor); ATTR 502 - Research (with an oral defense)
  • Departmental comprehensive examination*
  • Board of Certification (BOC) national examination


***有关课程介绍的最新资讯,请浏览我们的 大学目录.


ATP的目标 & 目的:  


• Display ethical behavior in accordance with professional standards.

• Collect, interpret, and disseminate information in an effective manner.


• Recognize the athletic trainer's role in the present and emerging health care arena.


•将基本行为渗透到专业实践中,不歧视种族, 种族, 性取向, 社会经济, 政治, 或者宗教信仰. 

目标 计划能力
展示在NATA运动训练教育能力中描述的认知和精神运动技能, 5日艾德.  应用 didactic knowledge to clinical practice
在临床整合熟练度中表现出临床技能和精神运动技能的能力, 5日艾德.    应用 psychomotor skills and CIP outcomes in labs, 临床研讨会, 临床基地, 病人护理. 
Display ethical behavior in accordance with professional standards  Ad在这里 to the ethical standards of the NATA, practice within the legal boundaries of the applicable practice act, incorporate ethical decision making into practice, 展现学术诚信 
Collect, interpret, and disseminate information in an effective manner.  Effectively use electronic medium to gather information, demonstrate effective professional writing, demonstrate effective professional verbal communication 
表现出有效的口头和书面沟通技巧,并适合所针对的人群.  与不同人群有效沟通,以书面形式呈现专业作品
Recognize the athletic trainer’s role in the present and emerging health care arena.  Function as part of a health care team in a wide variety of practice settings. 
通过持续的研究和出版,认识到我们的专业需要以科学为基础的功效.  进行文献综述, analyze data to formulate a conclusion, appreciate the value of evidence based practice,   
将基本行为渗透到专业实践中,不歧视种族, 种族, 性取向, 社会经济, 政治, 或者宗教信仰.  考虑独特的技能 & abilities of healthcare professionals in the academic environment.  



目标 计划能力
认识到运动教练在医疗保健环境中的实践范围. 学生将在各种实践环境中作为医疗团队的一部分发挥作用.
Expose  students  to  a  variety  of  clinical  settings. Students  will  be  placed  in  a  variety  of  practice  settings
接触到各种各样的感受器,结合有效的临床感受器教学. 学生将被分配给特定的临床讲师,这些讲师已获得该计划的导师地位.
在循证实践/最佳实践的基础上最大限度地独立决策. Skill  demonstration  of  a  systematic  approach  as  to asking  &  answering  clinically  relevant  questions. 
Demonstrates  clinical  competence. Demonstrate  psychomotor  skills  in  academic  classes, 临床研讨会,  在临床经历中.
Display  ethical  behavior in  accordance  with  professional standards. 坚持NATA的道德标准和BOC的专业实践标准,  practice  with  in the  legal  boundaries  of  the  applicable  practice  act, incorporate  ethical  decision  making  into  practice, 展现学术诚信.
将基本行为渗透到专业实践中,不歧视种族,  种族,  性取向,  社会经济,  政治,  或者宗教信仰. 考虑独特的技能  &  abilities  of  healthcare professionals  &  临床环境.



研究生院为研究生在攻读学位的同时获得资助提供了各种机会. 任命是竞争性的,由本科和/或研究生的平均成绩决定, 相关的经验, educational preparation and interviews. 有关助学金,奖学金和会议资金奖励的信息,请ladbrokes立博中文版我们的 Graduate 资金的机会 page.

的 运动训练理学硕士 program is eligible for 无补贴学生贷款 and applicants are encouraged to complete the Free Application for Federal Student 援助. For more specific questions, please visit the 资助办事处网站 或直接与他们联系


的 below information was obtained from CAATE (

Graduate Athletic Training Program 2019-2022


    2019-2020      2020-2021 2021-2022   三年总  
号毕业 4 6 0 10
参加考试人数 4 6 0 10
第一次通过次数 3 4 0 7
任何尝试通过的次数 4 6 0 10
首次通过率% 75% 67% 0% 70%
总通过率%任何尝试 100% 100% 0% 100%


Graduate Athletic Training Program 2019-2022

   2019-2020   2020-2021 2021-2022
毕业人数 4 6 0
毕业率 80% 100% 82%


Three-Year Cumulative Graduation Rate = 91%


Graduate Athletic Training Program 2019-2022

     2019-2020     2020-2021  2021-2022
Number of Students Beginning the Program 5 6 1
Number of Students Returning for Year 2 4 6 1
项目保留率 80% 100% 100%


Three-Year Cumulative Retention Rate = 91.7%


Graduate Athletic Training Program 2019-2022

# of Graduates Employed as Athletic
2 3 0  
体育教练就业率 50% 60% 0% 56%
0 0 0 0
Employment Rate in Other 设置* 0% 0% 0% 0
未就业的毕业生人数** 1 2 0 3
毕业生未就业率** 25% 40% 0% 33%


Four-Year Cumulative Employment Rate in Athletic Training = 60%

*This field represents students employed in fields other than athletic training
服兵役, individuals whose employment status is unknown, as well as generally unemployed graduates.




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