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光子学本科学历 & 光学工程

See the Light: Become an Optical or 光子学 Engineer with a Bachelor’s in 光子学 and 光学工程 at BSU

光子学和光学工程的发展前途无限. Study and work with light energy and light information to design devices and create advances in laser manufacturing, 通信, 生物医学和化学传感, 显示技术, 光学计算与传输. With your Bachelor of Science in 光子学 and 光学工程, 你将加入下一代, fast-growing technologies industry with strong roots in Massachusetts.

While studying photonics engineering and optical engineering at BSU, you won’t have to wait long for exciting hands-on opportunities. We’ll introduce you to cutting-edge equipment early in your undergraduate studies. You may also conduct research and pursue internships as early as your sophomore year.

在BSU, you will find the photonics engineering and optical engineering program that works best for you. 通过 物理、光子学与光学工程系,你可以选择:

  • 光子学与光学工程 为光学事业的成功做好准备, 光子学和其他工程, 科学或机械领域.
  • 光子学与光学工程 补充另一个学士学位, 从教育到其他科学, 辅修光子学和光学工程.




Whether you’re working toward a bachelor’s in photonics and optical engineering or a photonics and optical engineering minor, you’ll gain experience using the latest tools and techniques in lasers, 光纤与光子集成电路芯片. 


  • 门洛飞秒激光器
  • 色度OPO皮秒激光器
  • 780 nm外腔二极管激光器(ECDL)
  • MAPLELEAF光电耦合探测站
  • 非线性晶体和单光子探测器
  • 原子力显微镜(AFM)


While you study photonics engineering and optical engineering at BSU, 你将在我们的高级实验室学习和练习你的技能. 这些包括:

  • Semiconductor Laser Lab for quantum dot lasers with datacom and LIDAR applications
  • Ultrafast and Nonlinear Optics Lab for new laser materials, design and applications
  • 量子技术和冷原子实验室
  • 单分子生物物理实验室
Dr. Elif Demirbas working with a student in front of a large piece of equipment. The student is holding a small piece of blue plastic with a pair of tweezers


主修或辅修光子学和光学工程专业, you won’t have to wait until graduation to work in the field. 与BSU的教职员工一起进行研究, 设计你自己的研究项目, 或者在光学公司实习或兼职. BSU also has a strong history of offering paid summer internships to undergraduate students in STEM.

Learn from experts in the fields of photonics and optical engineering

在BSU, your 光学 and photonics training and education are in expert hands. Our instructors have completed top doctoral programs and international research collaborations. Faculty members have also won more than six BSU 总统ial Awards for outstanding teaching, 合作与社会公正.


在BSU的光子学和光学工程学位课程, 你将在10到20个学生的教室里学习. 课外活动, you may join student organizations that connect you with other photonics, electrical and optical engineering students from around the world.


Each faculty member in BSU’s Bachelor of Science in engineering and photonics program has fewer than 12 advisees. This will give you and your fellow photonics and optical engineering majors and 未成年人 the personal attention and guidance you need for everything from internships to research projects.

Program of Study for 光子学 and 光学工程 Students

Whether you plan to pursue graduate studies to become a photonics engineer or optical engineer, 或者在这个行业做一名技术人员, your optical and photonics engineering training and education will give you the knowledge and preparation you need. 通过我们的项目, you’ll learn about everything from manufacturing to using optical devices such as laser systems, 光子集成电路等.

Through our photonics and optical engineering degree program, 您将学习激光的设计原理和应用, 光学, 光纤, 电子及半导体材料. 课程包括:

  • 光纤
  • 光子集成电路设计与表征
  • 激光设计
  • 光学系统设计与应用
  • 半导体器件

Should you choose to pursue a minor in photonics and optical engineering, you’ll apply basic physics and engineering ideas in your choice of 光学, 激光设计或光子集成电路应用.


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Program details from 2022-2023 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Alex Medeiros, 16岁
“The combination of coursework in mathematical physics theory, practice through lab experimentation and hands-on experience in astronomy and 光学 research helped me develop a well-rounded foundation of understanding that enabled me to successfully execute in my career roles as an optical and photonic engineer.”
Alex Medeiros, 16岁


光子学领域正在迅速发展, 对合格的装配专业人员的需求也很高, 质量控制, 测试, 修复, 技术工作, 研究及更多.

With photonics and optical engineering training and a bachelor’s degree from BSU, 你可以胜任各种各样的工作, 如:

  • 激光或光学工程师
  • 光学工程师
  • 光学或量子技术专家
  • 计量学家
  • 光电子集成芯片的开发与制造
  • 校准工程师

Our alumni have used their undergraduate studies to work in the industry at Plymouth Gratings Lab, Optikos, 向前光子学, 麻省理工学院林肯实验室, 我公司, 海军海底作战中心等等.

Should you choose to minor in photonics and optical engineering you may apply your photonics technician education and skills as a technician or other science or engineering professional.

The demand is high for photonics engineers — so much so that an estimated


new jobs in the field are projected to be created by 2029, according to


Continue Your Education Beyond Your 光子学 and 光学工程 Degree

If you want to continue your studies beyond your undergraduate photonics and optical engineering degree, you can complete a Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering in just 18 months at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

通过波士顿州立大学与马萨诸塞大学达特茅斯分校的合作协议, you could be accepted into the master’s program during your junior year. 通过这个项目, two of your BSU classes can count toward your graduate degree at UMass Dartmouth. You’ll also be able to take graduate classes there before you graduate from BSU.