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If you are coming to BSU, congratulations on joining the BSU community for the upcoming year! We look forward to working with you to make your on-campus experience a positive one. If you have any questions about the information below, please contact our office at or 508.531.1277.

尽管波士顿州立大学对住房的需求很大, we welcome our international students to become a part of our on campus community. We hope you will gain a better understanding of American culture and that you will enrich the experience of our local students by sharing your own beliefs and traditions. BSU is a regional institution with most of our students coming from southeastern Massachusetts, 这是一个真正的大熔炉,融合了许多不同的民族和血统. Many students are first generation college students from middle class families in the area.

关于Bridgewater Climate的说明: 新英格兰以四季分明著称. There is a saying that goes “If you don’t like the weather in New England, wait five minutes.” During the summer (June through August) temperatures range from 60°F to 100°F (15.5℃~ 37℃.7°C),平均约80°F(26°C).6°C). During the winter months (December through March) temperatures range from -4°F (with wind chill) to 45°F (-20°C to 7.2°C),平均约32°F(0°C). 寒冷季节从10月开始,一直持续到3月, 12月大多下雪, 1月, 和2月. 四月和五月带来温暖和雨水. 

Undergraduate exchange students will be provided with housing on campus during both the Fall and Spring semesters, but must fill out our housing forms in order to receive a housing assignment. Students coming for the fall semester will receive information by the end of May from us detailing how to submit their Residence Hall License Agreement and a Roommate Questionnaire. All exchange students who intend to live in university housing must complete these forms. Students coming for the spring semester will receive this information by the end of November.

请注意,虽然学生可以提交偏好, BSU对住房的需求很高,选择有限. Incoming students with fewer than 24 credits are housed in the freshmen areas. Because upper-class students select their housing assignments for the following year during the spring semester, there are few spaces available in our newer facilities for incoming students. Students who plan to live on-campus should remain flexible with their housing choices.

Typically incoming exchange students have been assigned to live in a traditional residence hall with American students to better experience American culture. 在校园, most students live with at least one roommate (share one room) and share bathroom facilities with numerous students. Residence hall rooms are furnished with beds (extra long twin mattresses), 桌子, 局, 和衣柜/衣柜(s). 每个学生宿舍都配备了一个数据连接. 学生负责提供床上用品, 毛巾, 台灯, 以及他们喜欢的其他物品.

The residence halls are open when classes are in session and during portions of designated breaks. There will be periods of time when there is no housing available on campus and students will need to make other arrangements. This includes the two weeks between fall semester closing and the new year. Housing is available on campus during the remainder of winter break and for all of spring break for an additional fee.

  • 服装: Students at BSU dress very informally: jeans, shorts, t-shirts, casual shirts, etc. 不过, 有些场合你需要盛装打扮, 比如半正式的舞会或与教员的特别活动. 传统服饰总是受欢迎的. 冬天你需要很多保暖的衣服:毛衣, 羊毛和/或运动衫, 冬季夹克是必不可少的. 重, 防水鞋/雪地靴, 手套, a hat and scarf for snow will also be necessary and an umbrella for rainy days. 请注意,一件高质量的冬季夹克可能相当昂贵, 但我们建议您购买 后到来,以确保它是足够温暖.
  • 电气设备: 美国的标准电输出是110v/220v, 所以大多数国外电器设备不能在这里使用. Bring electrical devices only if you will run them on batteries or a voltage converter.
  • 床上用品: Bring a sheet set (fitted and flat) and towel for the first few days at BSU; sheets in the United States come in standard sizes to fit the beds. 购买超长单人床,以适应宿舍的床. You may want to purchase these before arriving on campus and have them shipped to campus, 因为运输需要一段时间提前计划. Another option is to order online from a store that has a special section for college shopping, 比如Bed Bath and Beyond. 你可以在网上订购一些用品 通过他们的网站 and go to the "Shop for College" section if you don’t want to bring anything with you.
  • 杂项: 带上一些能让你想起家里的照片, 音乐, 海报, 衣服, bedspreads and perhaps inexpensive gifts that you can give people on birthdays and other festive occasions. 家里的“安慰食物”也是个好主意!
  • 如果你住在大山学生公寓: you will need to buy some household items such as utensils, glasses, plates, etc. 你可以在诸如……之类的商店以合理的价格购买商品 沃尔玛 or 目标.
  • 运送行李到布里奇沃特: 把行李运到海外既复杂又昂贵. 乘飞机最好带上你自己的物品. 如果你自己运送箱子和箱子,它们必须通过美国海关清关.S. 海关, 你要去机场还是去海港, 填写报关单, 然后把你的货运到布里奇沃特. 如果你打算运送你的物品, it is best to use a freight-forwarding company at home that will help you complete the paperwork. 你方货物和单据将转交波士顿货运公司, which will retrieve the articles from customs and transport them to the university. 虽然你已经在国内支付了运费, 这里很可能会有额外的费用. BSU不会支付这些费用, so you may need to be present when your goods arrive or arrange to pay the local company in advance. 行李应在3-4周内到达, 但是具体要和你的船运公司核实一下交货时间. 在所有物品上清楚标明你的名字,并寄往:
    • C/O邮件服务

这并不是所有大学政策的完整列表. 有关完整的清单,请参阅 学生手册.

  • 酒精: 所有的学生都应该了解有关饮酒的规定. It is important to note that the legal drinking age in the United States is 21 and the only area where residents may possess alcohol is the Great Hill Student Apartments. 有关更具体的信息,请参阅 酒精政策 在学生手册中.
  • 客人政策: Resident students are permitted to host guests in the room, suite, or apartment. 客人必须向保安签到. 客人可以在所有室友同意的情况下过夜. Students who have concerns about their roommate's guest(s) should speak with a Resident Assistant (RA) who can assist them.
  • 禁止事项: 为了安全起见,宿舍里禁止携带一些物品. 完整的列表位于 宿舍政策和程序 参看《ladbrokes立博中文版》.
  • 无烟政策: ladbrokes立博中文版 prohibits smoking and tobacco use on all University property. 大学财产包括, 但不限于, University owned and leased buildings and facilities; University owned and leased vehicles; parking lots, 建筑入口, 公共区域.