
Elementary Education Master’s Programs


你是一位有经验的教育工作者,对继续接受教育感兴趣吗? 或者你在另一个领域工作,但希望成为一名教师? No matter your career goals, 我们有基础教育硕士课程,以满足您的需求在ladbrokes立博中文版.

Whether you’re interested in teacher licensure programs, 获得基础教育研究生学位或继续攻读基础教育硕士学位, we can help. 我们的 Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education 提供几个基础教育硕士课程和集中的研究领域,帮助你制定你需要实现你的职业目标的策略.

Elementary Education Master’s Program Highlights

a male BSU student with glasses and short dark brown hair, mustache and beard looking up from his laptop

Flexible programming

这取决于你选择的基础教育研究生学位, your classes will take place in person, online or a hybrid of the two. 这为你获得基础教育硕士学位提供了灵活性.


Learn while doing

As you work toward your graduate degree in elementary education, 你将在一所1-6年级的小学完成学生教学实习. Through this experience, you’ll observe students and classrooms, develop and refine your teaching skills, design curriculum, practice effective classroom-management techniques and more.

Dr. Susan Eliason teaches an Elementary Education class. She and the students sit at desks set up in a hollow square.

Small class sizes, big opportunities

在北京州立大学,基础教育硕士学位课程的上限是25名学生. 这种个性化的学习环境为您提供了与导师一对一的时间,并有机会与其他研究生建立联系和合作. 

Guidance from knowledgeable and experienced 教师

当你在北京州立大学获得基础教育硕士学位时,你将从 教师 with real-world classroom experience and academic expertise. 他们可以在你准备攻读基础教育硕士学位时分享他们对现代课堂的见解. 作为一名实习教师,你也会从指导和监督中受益, 与现场实践者和BSU教员密切合作.

Programs that align with state requirements

我们的每个基础教育硕士课程都是为了满足马萨诸塞州中小学教育部门的要求而设计的, 所以你可以成为一名有执照的小学教师,并在小学教育工作中攻读硕士学位.

Program of Study for Elementary Education Graduate Students

无论你是想攻读教育硕士学位(地中海)还是希望获得专业执照, 我们的基础教育硕士课程以实践教学方法为特色, theoretical foundations and 教师 mentoring.

我们的基础教育硕士学位课程可以帮助你发展或提高你的教学技能, 推进你的事业或帮助你获得你的第一个小学教育硕士学位. Choose from:

  • 基础教育(初始执照),学士学位后执照, 专为那些正在寻求初级教育(1-6年级)的初始执照和SEI(庇护英语浸入式)背书的人而设计.
  • Elementary Education (Initial Licensure), 地中海, designed for those who are seeking initial licensure.
  • Elementary Education (Non-Licensure), 地中海, designed for licensed educators.
  • Elementary Education (Professional Licensure), 地中海, 专为那些在马萨诸塞州寻求专业执照的人设计的.
  • Elementary Education (Professional Licensure), Applications of Technology in the Elementary Classroom, 地中海, 专为那些寻求专业执照的人,他们也希望学习如何有效地将技术融入课堂.
  • 基础教育(专业执照),STEM教育集中,医学硕士, 专为那些希望专注于STEM(科学)的寻求专业执照的人而设计, 技术, engineering and mathematics).

Admission Requirements and Program Details


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Program details from 2023-2024 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Graduate Chair: Dr. Gia Renaud

Careers in Elementary Education


无论你是想开始你的教学生涯,还是希望获得额外的专业知识, 我们的基础教育硕士学位课程将帮助您获得所需的证书.


Graduate Funding Opportunities

研究生院为研究生在攻读学位的同时获得资助提供了各种机会. 任命是竞争性的,由本科和/或研究生的平均成绩决定, pertinent experience, educational preparation and interviews. 有关助学金,奖学金和会议资金奖励的信息,请ladbrokes立博中文版我们的 Graduate Funding Opportunities page.

初等教育有资格获得无补贴学生贷款,并鼓励申请人完成联邦学生援助免费申请. For more specific questions, please visit the Financial 援助 Office website or contact them directly at finaid@uni-foodex.com.

BSU Graduate Studies Overview Brochure Cover


Counselor Education classroom 2020


4 students sitting at desks in in a graduate class


Grad students in a classroom
