
Bachelor of 艺术 in Music and Music 未成年人

Find your voice with BSU’s bachelor of arts in music program

Conducted out of the Department of Music, ladbrokes立博中文版的音乐文学学士学位为热爱音乐的学生提供了通往未来职业生涯的道路. 由全国音乐学校协会(NASM)和马萨诸塞州中小学教育部认证, 我们的音乐文学学士学位在该地区以其巨大的价值而闻名.

我们的本科课程为音乐专业的学生提供了坚实的理论和历史基础, 同时还允许您选择感兴趣的领域的专业化, from composition to conducting. 在爵士乐或古典音乐的教育集中或以表演为中心的音乐文学学士学位之间进行选择. 我们还提供美国音乐治疗协会批准的音乐前治疗选择.

雇主们说,北京州立大学音乐专业的毕业生非常专业,是值得信赖和关心的音乐教师. 其他人继续从事专业表演或获得高级音乐治疗学位.

Bachelor of 艺术 in Music Degree Program Highlights

Dr. 唐纳德·Running指挥坐在音乐支柱后面的长笛演奏者

Learn from expert faculty

BSU的音乐本科生可以向那些在世界各地演出或在公立学校任教的富有同情心的教师学习. 在我们尊敬的教授中有器乐和声乐教练专家, Boston Symphony and Boston Pops members, 总统杰出教学奖得主和格莱美奖得主.

New facilities

获得音乐文学学士学位的学生可以进入最近更新的数字音频工作室(DAW), 两架新的专业排练三角钢琴和专用练习空间. As part of BSU’s Living Learning Communities, 本科音乐专业的学生可以选择与其他本科音乐专业的学生住在同一楼层.
two female members of a string ensemble playing on stage; one in foreground on cello and one in background on violin

Live performance opportunities

现场表演是音乐学士学位课程的重要组成部分. BSU’s music program puts on over 100 concerts and recitals each year, with performances from diverse ensembles, including concert and band, a pop vocal ensemble, an African drumming group and string orchestra. 攻读音乐学位的学生还可以从世界级教师的私人课程中受益. Our programs culminate in a solo and chamber music recital capstone.

Unparalleled personal attention

ladbrokes立博中文版的音乐文学学士学位是由我们的教师可以为学生提供的个人支持而分开的, with classes of about eight students.

A high-demand pre-music therapy major

根据美国音乐治疗协会的说法,我们的项目填补了一个急需的利基市场. 对音乐治疗这一新兴领域感兴趣的学生观察专业音乐治疗师与客户的合作.

Special scholarship opportunities

In addition to the financial aid offered by Bridgewater State University, 攻读音乐文学学士学位的学生也可能有资格获得以下几种奖学金:

  • Barbara LaFrance Scholarship
  • Elsie P. Johnson Music Funds
  • Frieda Rand Music Endowment Fund
  • Friends of Music Scholarship
  • Bear Band Scholarship

Program of Study for Bachelor of 艺术 in Music Students

What is a music degree from BSU all about? 我们设计音乐文学学士课程的目的是让学生专注于感兴趣的特定领域. For instance, our music therapy program was developed in partnership with nearby Lesley University, 这所学校提供音乐治疗硕士课程——并且是为了回应那些对这个不断发展的领域充满热情的音乐本科生.

另一个专门的培训是我们的爵士研究集中, which provides a deep dive into American jazz traditions. 古典演奏专业为倾向于古典音乐的本科生提供了高度专业化的西欧古典音乐训练. 我们认可的教育集中为学生提供毕业后立即进入市场的当代音乐教学方法.

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Program details from 2023-2024 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

“教师和工作人员不仅为乐器演奏家提供了学习他们手艺的培养经验, 但在我完成本科学业后,它们作为信息资源也发挥了巨大的作用, and I was in the classroom. My teachers and classmates, with their incredible talents and work ethic, inspired me to rise to their level.”
Jim Davidson, ’14
Current Faculty at Bridgewater State University

Careers in Music

拥有BSU音乐文学学士学位的学生在就业市场上很受欢迎. Employers say our graduates are efficient, 注重细节的分析型思考者,在压力下表现良好,并能接受批评. 我们许多获得音乐学士学位的学生继续读研究生,并在东北地区从事专业表演. Since 2018, 100%的音乐教育学士学位学生在完成课程后的六个月内获得全职教学工作.

获得音乐治疗本科学位的BSU学生继续在亚利桑那州立大学等著名项目获得音乐治疗硕士学位. 表演专业的学生继续读研究生,并成为表演者和作曲家. Job titles our alumni hold include:

  • Music specialist in Boston Public Schools
  • Elementary school music teacher
  • Music teacher in Newton Public Schools
  • Professional musician
  • Operatic festival artist
  • Music therapist
  • Composer
  • Church organist
  • Activities director, long term care
  • Director of musical education outreach

According to the U.S. 美国劳工统计局的数据显示,到2030年,音乐家和歌手的工作岗位预计将增长11%. Music directors and composers make a median salary of



Continue your education beyond your Major or Minor
