
Undergraduate Degrees & Minor in Criminal Justice

Help Protect Our Communities: Earn a BS in Criminal Justice


通过ladbrokes立博中文版刑事司法专业的本科和学士学位, 获得刑事司法程序的全面了解和犯罪学的广泛概述. BSU的 Department of Criminal Justice offers a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, 刑事司法学士学位,主修受害人学,辅修刑事司法.

我们的刑事司法本科和学士学位课程特别强调社会正义和其他影响警务的主题, corrections and the court system. When you graduate with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, you will have the expertise to lead, 在这个不断发展和快速变化的行业中保护和服务.

Criminal Justice Program Highlights


Challenge yourself with cutting-edge research

波士顿州立大学的教职员工在移民和犯罪方面进行了领先的研究, gang violence reduction and cybercrime. 不管你是攻读布里奇沃特大学的刑事司法学士学位还是辅修学位, 你将能够参加一个研究项目,或通过独立学习追求自己的一个. 

Gain real-world work experience

Get expertise in the criminal justice field through an internship, part-time job or job shadowing experience. With strong ties to local partners, 我们将为您提供各种机会,以加强您在刑事司法方面的学习. 我们的刑事司法学士学生曾在缓刑和警察部门实习, the Massachusetts Department of Corrections, 律师事务所, victim service agencies and more.
Dr. 米娅·奥尔蒂斯微笑着在白板前对全班学生讲话

Get the support you need

作为一名波士顿州立大学刑事司法专业的学生, 你会有一个指导老师,他可以和你讨论你的学术和职业道路, plan program coursework, survey job prospects and help you earn your degree. 你将永远得到指导和支持,你需要在BSU的刑事司法学士学位和超越的成功.

Join a criminal justice student group

波士顿州立大学的刑事司法学生组织举办活动,并推广有助于预防犯罪的项目. 这些经历让我们的刑事司法专业的副修或本科学生有机会将他们的知识付诸行动,并在当地影响社区, state and national levels.

A community that will help you excel

我们的社区顾问委员会汇集了马萨诸塞州东南部刑事司法系统的领导人,他们是BSU刑事司法理学学士课程的强烈倡导者. These professionals — community activists, 非营利组织的领导和政府官员——帮助刑事司法专业的学生实习, employment opportunities and research pursuits.

Cutting-edge cyber lab


Flexibility to learn on your schedule

BSU的 College of Continuing Studies gives you maximum flexibility to complete your degree. 刑事司法学士课程可以在白天在桥水大学的主校区学习, or you may pursue your degree at night or online. 我们的夜间和在线课程遵循与日间课程相同的要求和课程, 我们的许多教员在白天、晚上和网上授课.

Earn your law degree

BSU现在有一个 3 + 3项目 in partnership with UMass Law. Through this accelerated program, 你可以在桥水大学获得刑事司法学士学位,在麻省大学法学院获得法学博士学位,总共需要六年的时间, instead of the usual seven.

Program of Study for Criminal Justice 专业 and 未成年人

项目课程根据你是否攻读刑事司法学士学位而有所不同, 主修受害人学学位或辅修刑事司法学位. 不管你是哪个刑事司法专业的理学学士, gain the skills that are needed by criminal justice professionals. While you build your critical thinking and communication skills, 您还将学习如何概念化思想和解释刑事司法数据.

例如, 我们的恢复性司法课程指导学生-包括那些寻求受害者学学位的学生-修复犯罪受害者和罪犯之间关系的技术和相关概念.

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Program details from 2023-2024 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

BSU has allowed me to prove to myself what I am capable of, while being the home away from home I needed. 在一位了不起的教授的指导下,我进行了刑事司法领域的研究, I have met amazing people, and I have had (and still get) so many opportunities coming my way.”
Paulina Aguilar Delgado, ’23
Criminal Justice, Victimology Concentration, BS

Careers in Criminal Justice

Whether you’re interested in pursuing a career at the local, state or federal level, 你会发现,BSU的刑事司法副修或学士学位将为你的职业成功奠定基础. You could pursue an advanced degree or additional job training. 我们的刑事司法理学学士学位毕业生从事以下工作:

  • Correctional, parole or probation officers
  • 犯罪分析师
  • Police officers
  • Private detective or investigator
  • Probation officers
  • Security managers

预计未来十年,刑事司法领域的工作岗位将继续增长,比全国平均水平要快, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

菲利普·朗德利(Phillip Rondelli), 17岁,穿着白色纽扣衬衫,打着棕色领带,面带微笑. 他拿着文件,背景是几台电脑屏幕

Continue your education beyond your BS in criminal justice



  • Administration of Justice
  • Crime and Corrections
  • Restorative and Transformative Justice
  • Trauma and Victim Studies

If you’re not ready to commit to a master’s degree, 你也可以通过网络犯罪学和网络安全的研究生证书来提高你的刑事司法学士学位, restorative and transformative justice, or trauma and victim studies.